Learn Piano From A Pro

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Master A Little Bit Every Day

This may sound strange to some people, but it’s actually possible to learn how to play the piano and enjoy the learning process.

My wife and I have owned the Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar since 2007. Before that I taught one-night piano workshops in colleges and high schools throughout New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

  • In all my years teaching piano, it’s always heartbreaking every time I hear that a student who has only been taking lessons for a few months decides they don’t want to take lessons anymore.

Some students take lessons for a couple of years before deciding to discontinue lessons. Of course, many parents see it as a financial investment in their kids, which is always worth it.

But when the investment ends before it reaches 
its logical conclusion, it’s hard not to feel a little disappointed.

It’s not like students who discontinue lessons suddenly decide they don’t want to play the piano any more — there has to be something more to it.

  • I’ve been where many of these students have been; wanting to play the piano, but not wanting to go through the tedious and boring learning process.

I wanted to quit piano lessons on many occasions when I was a kid, but my mom wouldn’t let me.

She wasn’t about to invest all that money into all of those lessons, only to see me give it all up a few years into the process.    

  • No, she wouldn’t have it. Besides, I made a promise to my mom when I was 5-years-old that I would stick with it no matter how tough it got.

My mom held me to that promise until I turned 18. The first thing I did on my 18th birthday was quit piano.

A Better Way Of Learning

A few months after I quit piano I met a self-taught musician who showed me a different way of playing the piano.

This guy never had a single piano lesson in his entire life, but he played the piano like a pro.

Although I never took lessons with my self-taugh musician friend, I learned quite a bit from him.

I adopted many of his techniques to my own playing and teaching — and his way of playing has benefited many of my students.

I’ve heard it said that everyone will meet at least one person in their lifetime that will change the course of their life in a dramatic way.

  • The way I teach and play piano today is a direct result of learning from someone who had a completely different approach to learning music.

It’s impossible for me to fully explain my way of teaching without showing you some playing examples.

If you or someone in your family is interested in something more than just the status quo of piano lessons, then click the link below to watch my demonstration video.

My self-taught musician friend couldn’t read an ounce of sheet music, yet he knew the piano inside and out.

  • I use sheet music with all of my students, but I don’t put a big emphasis on it like other piano teachers.

Sheet music is more of a guide than anything. You’ll see what I mean in the video you’re about to watch. Click the link directly below to watch now.

Click Here - VIDEO: A Better Way To Learn