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Lesson #5 - Hands Together
R.H. Melody and L.H. Chords

Hands Together

Start with a few simple 2-chord songs and then progress to 3-chord songs. You'll be playing your favorite songs before you know it.

What Is A Measure?

The Complex Definition of a Measure

In musical notation, a bar (or measure) is a segment of time corresponding to a specific number of beats in which each beat is represented by a particular note value and the boundaries of the bar are indicated by vertical bar lines.

The Simple Definition of a Measure

As some of my younger piano students will say, "It's the notes inside the box with all the lines". And I usually have to add, "...and each measure should have the same number of beats."

Keeping It Simple!

A basic chord/melody arrangement consists of single notes played with your right hand, and basic 3-note chords played with your left hand.

  • In the two measure illustration directly below, one chord is played per measure. The left-hand chord is played with the right-hand note located directly above it at the beginning of every measure.

In Measure 1, the C major chord is played with the first middle C. You would continue to hold the C chord while you played the remaining 3 melody notes with your right hand.

In Measure 2, all 3 notes of the G7 chord are played at the same time as the first D in your right hand.

  • I know that the F in the G7 chord looks like it gets played before the G and the B, but all 3 notes get played together.

You would continue to hold the G7 chord while you played the remaining 2 melody notes with your right hand.

The 2 Biggest Mistakes

The 2 biggest mistakes that self-teaching piano students make are learning songs that are too complicated too soon, and not having a proven, time-tested learning system to follow.

  • If you follow a proven learning system or teaching methodology, you can be sure that you're moving at a pace that will give you the time to learn the lesson material properly.

  • Self-teaching students tend to move too slow or too fast.

Following a time-tested learning system that has been designed and developed by a professional piano instructor, will keep you on track and moving toward your musical goals at just the right speed.

Overhead Keyboard View

Click the play button for the Overhead Keyboard View in the video below to see and hear both hands played together.

Watch the video as many times as necessary. When you're ready, go to your piano or keyboard and try playing the right-hand notes.

Once again, I have created very basic arrangements in the audio below to give you an idea of how good a song can sound on the piano without getting too complicated.

Click the audio icon to hear a few more piano arrangements using basic techniques of chord style piano. Enjoy!

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