Monthly - April 2018
This free online newsletter, as well as our printed newsletter is just one way for us to thank our students and their parents for choosing the Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar.
You are the reason we strive every day to be the best piano and guitar teachers in the Cherry Hill area. Thank you! Click the button below to sign up for our printed and e-Newsletter.
In This Issue
1. Music Quote of the Month
2. A Time For New Things
3. Student of the Month: Francesca Conti
4. New Students
5. Summer Recital
6. Feature Story: The "Sound" of Music
7. VIDEO: Set Fire To The Rain In Africa
8. National Poetry Month
9. VIDEO's:
How to turn a poem into a song...
Songwriter/Singer Alicia Keys
Paul McCartney on Poems vs. Song Lyrics
10. Refer a Friend
11.This Month's iTunes Gift Card Winner!
Quote of the Month
“I think music in itself is healing.
It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by.
No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.“ - Billy Joel
Spring is the perfect time for something new. You’re probably thinking that New Year’s Day was that time, and of course you’ve kept up your resolution so far, right? “Sure! What was it again?”
Okay, don’t worry, you’ve got a brand new start. The flowers are coming up in the garden, the birds are returning from down south, and all the trees are budding with new leaves.
It’s your turn to try something new. There’s no excuse, you’ll have plenty of April Showers keeping you indoors to try something new on your piano or guitar.
The Beatles tried different instruments from around the world and came up with unique sounds and songs. They never would have if they stayed in their comfort zone with the same instruments.
Why not ask your teacher to try a song in a different style than you normally do? If you like pop music, try a country song, or something jazzy instead.
You can learn something new from each style of music and apply them to make something brand new!
Student Of The Month
Francesca Conti
I have been teaching Francesca for about 5 years now, and have noticed almost from the very beginning that she was able to grasp new musical concepts very quickly. She enjoys many different styles of music and has gradually progressed to composing her own songs!
I have enjoyed creating piano arrangements for her and she can easily learn an advanced 10-page piece of sheet music in a week or two, which can be attributed to her 60-minute daily practice sessions.
Francesca has a high level of commitment to her music education and I have no doubt that she can take her musical abilities as far as she wishes to go.
Guy Faux, Francesca's Piano Teacher
Congratulations Francesca! Your framed Certificate of Achievement is on the way!
Interview with Francesca Conti
What instrument do you play?
How long have you been taking piano
lessons? Six
Who are your favorite musical
artists? Michael
Adele, and Ariana Grande.
What are your other hobbies besides music? Playing tennis, reading and baking.
Favorite food? Italian!
What is the coolest thing you’ve learned in your lessons the past 3 months? Always keep the audience wanting more.
Advice for other students? Play songs you love!
New Students
1. Zoe B.
2. Amoya B.
3. Russ A.
Mark Your Calendars!
Piano & Guitar Recitals June 3rd, 2018
at the Cherry Hill Public Library!
is sooo
What does poetry have to do with music?
Did you ever hear the phrase, “Poetry in motion”? If you love 80’s music you know which song has those lyrics and are probably singing it now! The phrase is perfect to describe the fact that you are singing poetry!
The first thing you think about a poem is that it rhymes. The second thing you might think of is that poetry is all mushy, lovey-dovey stuff. Before you run away, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Centuries ago, people told tales of their lives both good and bad in a poetic form for generations to remember. Many of those poems have influenced the song structure we have today! The rhyming of a poem or lyrics of a song actually helps you remember them more easily.
In the music world there is Jazz, Rock, Pop, Country, Classical and many more styles of music. Each appeals to us for different reasons. In the same respect, there are different types of poetry.
Although most poems rhyme, Free Verse poems don’t rhyme at all. Some poetry like Light poetry is specifically for fun times, some like Elegy for sad times.
Narrative poetry is a kind of poetry that tells a story. The musical equivalent of a Narrative poem is a Ballad. A ballad is a form of verse, or a story of connected events, real or imaginary set to music!
Many of Billy Joel’s songs did this well. “Scenes From An Italian Restaurant” is about two old classmates reuniting in their favorite Italian restaurant reminiscing about a couple they knew from high school, Brenda and Eddie, and the events of their lives following high school.
Here is a song we all know and love, “On Top Of Spaghetti”! If you look at just the lyrics alone, you could say that it is a Narrative poem. But because we know it is a song, it is called a ballad.
Think you can’t possibly write song lyrics? It’s more part of your world than you think.
You’ve already learned about sentence structure in school. Well, songs have structure too! Many songs are inspired by poems.
All you have to do is apply what you know, add a little imagination and with the help with your music teacher you can write a song!
There are many other songwriters to learn from both the present day writers like Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, and Kelly Clarkson to yesterday’s artist like Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, and Stevie Nicks. Read their lyrics alone and you’ll have a new perspective and appreciation of poems and songwriting.
We hope after you’ve read this you won’t think poetry is boring anymore. All we are saying, is give poetry a chance.
How to turn a poem into a song...
Songwriter/Singer Alicia Keys...
Paul McCartney on Poems vs. Song Lyrics...
Did you know that musical instruments
aren’t the only things that make musical sounds?
You can
hear music in everything if you just pay attention.
After a beautiful spring rain, listen carefully to hear the water droplets coming off the roof. They have a rhythm all their own. So many things in nature such as thunder, birds, crickets, and even rattle snakes have inspired musicians over the centuries to create a musical piece, song or make an instrument.
Musicologists (someone who studies music) have studied the ways that birds have influenced our music. One of the first instruments, the wooden flute, was originally made to imitate and possibly “sing” along with the birds.
Some classical composers like Beethoven and Bach intentionally imitated bird songs in some of their compositions using keys on a harpsichord or strings on a violin.
As civilization advanced we used different metals like brass and bronze. Large bells for churches and schools were made of brass and people noticed that the different sizes made different sounds. Soon other instruments such as the trumpet and horn began to take shape. The discovery of different notes and sounds from these metal instruments led to other instruments being made, and new sounds!
One day, take the time to sit quietly outside in your back yard or at a park, close your eyes and just listen. What do you hear? How can you imitate those sounds and put them to music?
A unique combination of “Africa” by Toto and Adele's “Set Fire To The Rain” was performed at Edinburgh Festival Theater in 2012 to a very delighted audience. Check out the video below and listen how nature inspired them!
Set Fire To The Rain In Africa
Music Jokes!
Q: What do you call a cow that plays the piano?
A: A moo-sician!
Q: What is the difference between a guitar and a tuna fish?
A: You can tune a guitar but you can't tuna fish!
Click Here to Refer a Friend
and get a $25 iTunes Gift Card!
This Month's Winner!
This month's winner of our "Did You Read Your Newsletter" Contest is Harrison Reid!
Congratulations, Harrison. You have won a $25 iTunes Gift Card!
Of course the only way to know if you've won is to be reading your monthly newsletter....but don't worry, you have 90 days to call us to collect your prize - and since we'll be listing your name again in the next 2 issues of The Cherry Hill Academy Newsletter, you have two more chances to collect your prize!
Check past issues below to see
if you were a winner!
We hope to hear from you soon!
Our Newletters are still available online!
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Below are links to all the newsletters we've had so far!
To request more information about private piano and/or guitar lessons click here.
Sign up today by calling 856-662-6855 or e-mail
Lessons are available: Monday through Friday 3:00 to 9:00 p.m.
1 FREE Lesson Every 90 Days!
Call: (856) 662-6855
Lesson Time Slots
Monday - Friday: 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cherry Hill Academy of Piano & Guitar
Pennsauken, NJ 08109
Phone: (856) 662-6855
Office Hours
Monday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Recitals Are Open To Students Of All Levels!
Also Teaching Adults How
To Play Piano!
Click Here For More Information!